En este momento estás viendo Gender Equality

Gender Equality

Gender Equality in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics


Teacher Training Centre of Mureș County (RO) CCD


OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT: Transnational Online Project Kick Off Meeting

Out of the desire to develop and integrate innovative methods and techniques in education, in order to promote gender equality in and through education, by modeling gender attitudes and behaviours, Teacher Training Centre of Mureș County as coordinator together with the partner institutions has started the project activities.This project is concerned with gender equality in preschool, primary and lower secondary education and aims at contributing to increased capabilities to reduce stereotypes by developing a series of innovative and interactive materials, tested through a behavioural science lens for their potential to increase equality by amendment of practical everyday skills and social norms regarding attitudes and stereotypes in teaching STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics).


o To provide a set of counter arguments per each stereotyped situation identified in the activity O1A1 with the purpose of developing a common taxonomy of counter arguments to be attached to each content of the course;

o To identify a GE-STEAM SUPPORT COMMITTEE network of recommended future Mentors The first event, Transnational Project Meeting – Kick-Off, was hosted by the coordinating institution, Teacher Training Centre of Mureș County, event adapted to the current pandemic situation with the help of the Google Meet platform. All the project partners joined the online meeting: Future In Perspective Limited ),

First Private School Leonardo da Vinci Ltd – FPSLD (BG), Professional Foundation – ProF (RO), Postal Academy 3 Vigo S.L. – Postal3 (ES).

Mr. Fodor Alexandru-Iosif, CCD Director and Project Legal Representative welcomed all the project partners and thanked them for participating in the meeting. Mr. Tóth Domokos, the project coordinator moderated the online meeting according to the agenda previously agreed. Each partner gave a brief introduction about themselves and their organisation, followed by a detailed presentation of the project’s objectives, scheduling of the activities and the expected results The budget and the financial aspect of the project were clarified

The other Romanian partner, Fundatia Professional (ProF, RO) gave details about how to start implementing the Output 1 by presenting two handbooks for carrying out the focus groups with teachers and the workshops with the Supporting Committee, represented by local policy makers and stakeholder.

Thank you for reading this Newsletter 1 and good luck to all!

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